Regina Daniels brother welcomes her back as she returns to IG, removes Nwoko from her name and deletes her photos with Ned Nwoko.
There appears to be crisis in Regina Daniels' relationship with politicians Ned Nwoko.
Regina, who is the 6th wife, of Ned Nwoko, left Instagram two weeks ago amid rumours that Ned Nwoko was responsible for Chika Ike's pregnancy and was about to take her as a 7th wife (both Ned and Chika have denied this).
Regina has now made a return and she changed her name on Instagram.
Previously, her bio had the name "Regina Daniels Nneamaka Nwoko".
However upon her return, she removed Nwoko from her name and edited it to Regina Daniels Nneamaka Favour.
Posts that included her and her husband, including the January post she made during their trip to Ghana for the Ghanaian President's inauguration have now been wiped off her Instagram grid.
To make matters worse, Regina's brother made a post that appears to be a shade at Ned Nwoko.
He shared photos of him and Regina and wrote: "Thank God say road to success no dey anybody papa house. Regina Daniels my baby's back."
As all this is going on, Ned Nwoko has begun going out more frequently with his Moroccan wife, Leila Charani Nwoko. She's been the one going with him on official and private outings and she has been posting them on her Instagram account, with Migerians pointing out that it was Regina who used to go to these events with Ned.